RCI-IIBEC Foundation Inc.

The RCI-IIBEC Foundation's mission is simple, to support research, education, and the dissemination of information for issues important to the building enclosure industry. 


What are we doing now

Continuing our tradition of enabling students to learn using real-life experiences and education, the Foundation was proud to again sponsor 30 students from colleges across the U.S. and Canada to attend the 2022 Annual Convention & Trade show in Orlando, Florida! 
Student Sponsorship Gallery

The University of Texas at Austin's Dr. Chadi El Mohtar has been awarded funding for research entitled, "Feasibility Study for Characterizing Cracks and their Grouting Potential from Water Pressure Tests".  This study aims to develop a chemical injection leak-sealing QC system, predicting identify crack geometry to improve product selection methods.

Roof Technical Services, Inc. was awarded funding to revise the 2013 edition of the "Wind Uplift on Low-Slope Roofs" monograph, based upon the recently released ASCE 7-16.  The publication by co-authors, Stephen L. Patterson, PE, RRC, and Dr. Madan Mehta, PhD, PE is available now at the IIBEC website.

 The Coalition for Procurement Reform (CPR) was awarded funding in order to facilitate the creation of a collection of educational materials designed for both the general public and various organizations on the comparative cost of cooperative procurement contracting vs open-bid competitive contracting.   

 The RCI Foundation is proud to announce that the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been awarded a grant for the updating of the ORNL Roof Savings Calculator, to include a clear comparison of roofs from an energy and economic perspective.  These improvements will allow designers, architects, contractors and specifiers to understand the parameters that can improve the energy efficiency of roofing, as well as demonstrate the cost savings of specifying any roof over a typical roof. 

The University of Southern California's Professor Joon-Ho Choi and research students were recently awarded funding to develop a support tool to provide stakeholders with readily applicable green roof design solutions for new and renovated building projects. This tool uses finely tuned performance modeling with calibration based on actual measured data from existing best practices in order to provide reliable design solutions.

NC State University College of Design and Architecture's Dr. Soolyeon Cho and research students are developing a user-friendly computer program for architects, engineers and consultants of the building envelope industry. The program will identify optimal strategies for high-performance roof design and development.

The Center for High Performance Environments at Virginia Tech University has been awarded funding to test assumptions about dark and reflective roofing. PIMA, ARMA and ERA provided additional funding and support for this project. 
Dr. Grant's collaborative research with her students has recently been featured in Architectural Science Review.  Please click the link below to access the accepted manuscript.  Information on accessing the version of record is listed within.

The Influence of Roof Reflectivity on Adjacent Air and Surface Temperatures


 The University of Toronto Daniels Faculty Center for Landscape Research received support from the U.S. Foundation as well as the Foundation Canada to purchase testing and monitoring instrumentation needed to collect and analyze data regarding the performance of green roofs and photovoltaic panels.

Funding has been provided by the U.S. Foundation as well as the RCI Foundation Canada to the Single Ply Roofing Institute (SPRI) to participate in research and development of test procedures to demonstrate compliance with air barrier requirements for mechanically attached roofing systems.

Funding was provided to The National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) to support the review and update of the Roofing Systems chapter of the Whole Building Design Guide.

For more information on awarded grants, please click this link to be taken to the "Search Awarded Grants" page.

RCI IIBEC Foundation Inc.


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